
Marblehead Democratic Town Committee

Our goal in 2025 is to focus on four areas: Women’s Reproductive Rights, Immigration, False Information, and 3A Housing. We will keep updated on the status of these areas, both locally and federally, and take actions through our sub-committees to participate and communicate volunteer activites.

Volunteer Activities

Dear Swing Left North Shore/Cape Ann,

Last week we held three sessions to get your input on what we should be doing as a group to fight back against the onslaught of the Trump administration – MAGA, Project 2025, Elon Musk. The original breakdown of the groups was Community, Communications, Resistance and Elections, but interestingly the conversations all merged into some common themes. Thank you to everyone who came!!!!

In response we’re proposing several new initiatives. In addition to our direct work on elections - postcarding & letters, voter protection, fundraising, canvassing -  we propose three areas:

Community Building – A desire for more connection with like-minded citizens was expressed by all!  There were many suggestions – postcard writing circles, discussion groups (in person and online), a book group, meet ups for social reasons or community service, local action. How can we support each other and stay positive?

Email swingleftnsca@gmail.com, subject line COMMUNITY to plan these activities.  

 Communication/Weekly Fact – If Trump et al are “flooding the zone with shit,” we want to flood it with facts. We can start by developing a weekly message and then using as many channels as we can to get it out. Social media training was at the top of the list to help take this idea forward – with of course developing the weekly message!  

Email swingleftnsca@gmail.com subject line FACT to develop our messages.

Resistance/Weekly Action – Working with other activist and grassroots groups as well as the Democratic party, we will recommend an action each week that our members can take to push back on the MAGA Republican agenda. Adopting Cambridge Letter Team's Calls with Friends Action, following Jessica Craven's Chop Wood/Carry Water, Indivisible, and crucial issue organizations (immigration, climate, reproductive health, voting rights), we can pick a weekly to do and promote it.

 Email swingleftnsca@gmail.com, subject line ACTION to choose our actions.

This week’s Facts

This week’s Actions

We are Marblehead Democrats committed to building a better future based on Democratic values of economic and social justice. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity for a quality education, healthcare, affordable housing, jobs with a living wage and a healthy environment. Civil rights and voting rights must be protected for everyone.


You are welcome to join us as we delve into policy and issues on a state and national level and provide opportunities for educating ourselves and our community. We campaign for progressive Democratic candidates and initiatives. We advocate for important legislation and endeavor to enhance the conversation around political leadership and issues.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”

— Margaret Mead